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What are your thoughts on NLP?

I first came across Neuro Linguistic Programming over 5 years ago. At the time I was working for a recruitment company but in a slightly unusual role; we were working with schools and colleges to help their students ‘engage’ in education, understand their aspirations and realise how education could help them achieve their dream jobs. We were coming across a number of students who lacked self esteem and didn’t consider themselves ‘worthy’ of achieving anything let alone their dream job. I personally found this sole destroying.

I became a practitioner of NLP because I realised it could help me get the best out of other people; not by pushing them and pushing them but by helping them to identify their positive traits and realise their potential.

My understanding of the NLP communication model and how we all make different internal representations of the world led me to realise that knowing its impact and subsequently how I could potentially identify other peoples representational systems, I could improve my ability to communicate with them

When you ‘hit it off’ with someone, and I don’t mean in an intimate way, you realise how powerful your communication can be. So taking the time to build rapport and then to communicate in a way that enables you to truly understand your client could leave them with that warm feeling of having been understood.

Wouldn’t you rather someone you were potentially going to buy from took the time to truly understand your needs, wants and perspectives? And as a result you’re more likely to buy from them and have found the transaction pleasurable.

See my video scribe for more information https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qzKz7t4KrIQ

- James Gage, ,

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